In my profile I asked: "If you were to be born again, would you be a different gender? Failing human reincarnation -- what species of animal?
Failing, that what plant species would you like to come back as?" More needs to be said!
This was a late night mulling of mine. You see, I am thinking of my future re-incarnation. The question premise was:
Accepting for fun, an alternative religious belief. If you are re-incarnated, would you come back as a man or a woman. State your present gender please and reason for change.. Reasons why.
Failing coming back in that human or chosen gender status, which other animal (also God’s creatures) would you like to come back as and why?. Or as one Christian suggested I re-word it to, what animals we would be in respect of our personality The same applies to the second question.
Failing that we are left to infest the plantworld. Am I to be an Oak, a Eucalypt, or a Willow. Or am I doomed to be a sub-shrub? A Mahonia perhaps or god forbid as a Hellebore. I am still trying to remember what I chose and or to the why.
Please note that I have left out insects. I doubt any indiscretions in our present lives would punish me down to the dung beetle level.
On an English blog, one that finally banned me, I found a strange reluctance of members to post to this topic. Those that did so, did in privately. Examples being:
Had to do with an albatross and the ability to soar. I on the other hand always preferred the water. I wouldn't mind being an otter.
I do think I once wrote something about this subject. It was more tuned into "Personality traits -- if you had to do a self-descriptive, which tree would you be. I forgot what I chose for myself, hopefully a limb will fall on me and remind me.
I decided to make more of my own preferences known! :-)
"My own wishes might come back to bite me. Being bald, I really would like to be re-pelted. Not just with a toupee, but all over. Chinchilla fur would be wonderful and like the Selke I could shed water and retain body heat. This is a serious issue in the Pacific Northwet.
Now back to the dog, or cat. (As posted by one British post -- being able to bite the postman. Th U.K must have some nasty relations there. My major element being the the tail. Getting a second language, signing with a tail would be most wonderful.
If God, were to redesign the package I am in. It would be with a fine luxurious fur and a tail. Getting into ones pants might take a bit longer, but the advantages would be worth it. Flirting with a tail would also be fun.
Of course everyone else would have to come back that way as well. One wouldn't want to stand out.

As for soaring birds, eagles and such. Have you ever seen a bird molt? Having feathers never did tempt me. I do remember having a dream in which I was a parent frog trying to get its frogling child to swim. I hope that isn't a sign from the Almighty of what is in store for me. Again a water element. A sea seal or Selke! Just think of all the abalone I could eat."
The discussion evolved into "Green Burial" Something they do in Great Britain and Tasmania. A poster responded:
"We have woodland burials in compostable cardboard coffins, also! This is what I would like! I know we are all supposed to have derived from things that crawled out of the oceans, but I can't stand seafood, nor the smell! I love good old earthy scents! If not an oak, perhaps a Buddha davidii, so that all the madame butterflies would flock to me, as they didn't ,in life? Ha ha!"
I really like that idea. I forget what famous Scottish biologist or beloved plantsman was buried at his college and then had some tree planted above. I would like it to be a Redwood or Sequoia. Then I know my bones would have some peace.
I say no to the Buddleia, too much of a weed bush. If you want to have a show of feminine attention try the Fremontia. That said, female bees are Amazons and what they do to their male own brethren at the end of the year could make a grown man cry! Even in the joy of the act, the queen bee retains more than the sperm of the drone, with very unfortunate results for the winning male. Gives me the willlies just thinking of the penil theft.
The take home answer for the poster of the question is:
Male -- I would go with the other gender, since I like them so much. Do I get to choose to be a Phylicia Rashaed or a Jacilyn Smith . Hell, why not go whole hog with Hallie Barrie?
I suspect the Creator would return me as a Phylis Dyler or a Roseanne Barr for that presumption alone.
Animal -- the Sea Otter or a Selkie. I would be so unhappy to come back as a badger or as a mouse.
Plant -- I am still pondering but am leaning to Garry Oak or Sequoia..
I picked some beautiful woman. Now I would make it a Korean woman. Tough suckers they are. I think the karmic review board would give me a double bonus, for choosing the other gender and then for a different race. My ascension may have been stunted because I always came back as a white male. I figure it this way; I only have two more to go. That future one, and then as a black person of either gender.
Now I have some hope of finally high hurdling those Pearly Gates or remaining downstream and being a pooper scooper.

I hesitate even to suggest that I may have erred so mightily that I might have to come back as a rock. Time to ponder in a gravelly voice -- WHY????
What rock? An Opal I think, being a Fire-sign I like the fire of that rock. Just as long as I don’t come back as a sulfurous mineral. That would really give me the re-incarnation blues.
I think I will just go back to sleep and see what I wake up to tomorrow.

Worse yet the threat of the inanimate alternative. Worst Jobs for sure!

(C) Herb Senft 2009
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